Research Article

Disease Activity, Occupational Participation, and Quality of Life for Individuals with and without Severe Fatigue in Ankylosing Spondylitis

Table 1

Demographic profile.

Demographic variable (%) or mean (SD)

Total number of participants recruited50
Age46.5 years ()
Age range
 25-46 years29 (58%)
 47 and above21 (42%)
Disease duration14.50 years ()
Disease duration range
 1-14 years28 (56%)
 15 years and above22 (44%)
 Men36 (72%)
 Women14 (28%)
Marital status
 Single15 (30%)
 Married32 (64%)
 Separated/divorced/widowed3 (6%)
Living situation
 Alone6 (12%)
 With someone44 (88%)
Education levels
 Completed second level21 (42%)
 Completed third level courses19 (38%)
Employment status
 Working30 (60%)
 Not working20 (40%)