Review Article

Performance-Based Executive Function Instruments Used by Occupational Therapists for Children: A Systematic Review of Measurement Properties

Table 4

Summary of synthesis of best evidence and GRADE rating on evidence certainty for the reviewed EF tools.

MeasureSynthesis of best evidenceGRADE rating on certainty of evidence
Content validityStructural validityInternal consistencyReliabilityConstruct validityCross-cultural validityCriterion validity

Note: BADS-C: Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome for Children; CCT: Children’s Cooking Task; CKTA: Children’s Kitchen Task Assessment; PETA: Preschool Executive Task Assessment. Legends used for synthesis of best evidence (±, +, ++, +++) are explained in Supplementary File 3, while the GRADE rating (i.e., low) is explained in Supplementary File 4. Empty cells: no evidence found.