Research Article

Translation and Cultural Adaptation into Spanish of the Engagement in Meaningful Activities Survey

Table 1

Examples of the forward translation of EMAS from English to Spanish.

Original versionSpanish version (V1)Spanish version (V2)Agreed version (V3)

Item 6. The activities I do are valued by other people.Las actividades que hago son valoradas por otras personas.Otras personas valoran las actividades que hago.Otras personas valoran las actividades que hago.
Observations: we choose the active voice to use the “other people” as the subject of this phrase because we believed it was relevant in the original version.
Item 8. The activities I do give me pleasure.Disfruto con las actividades que hago.Las actividades que hago me proporcionan placer.Las actividades que hago son placenteras.
Observations: we have chosen this option because it best takes into account the cultural context.
Item 9. The activities I do give me a feeling of control.Las actividades que hago me dan un sentimiento de control.Las actividades que hago me dan sensación de control.Las actividades que hago me dan sensación de control
Observations: our option here is supported by the use of the word “sensación” which has a more natural or commonly understood meaning.