Research Article

Children Who Experience Unintentional Injuries: Their Functional Profiles

Table 1

Between-group comparison of demographic features.

Injured ()Uninjured ()

Age of child10.3 (3.24)9 (2.95)n.s.
Frequencya (%) (df)
Child’s gender
 Male18 (58.1)9 (42.9)1.16 (1)n.s.
 Female13 (41.9)12 (57.1)
Child’s prediagnosis
 LD8 (25.0)06.18 (1).013
 ADHD11 (34.4)09.11 (1).003
Age, father (yr)
 35–395 (17.2)7 (35.0)2.05 (2)n.s.
 40–4414 (48.3)8 (40.0)
 45>10 (34.5)5 (25.0)
Age, mother (yr)
 35–3911 (34.4)12 (57.2)2.00 (2.97)n.s.
 40–4414 (43.7)5 (23.8)
 45>7 (21.9)4 (19.0)
Education, father
 High school10 (35.7)2 (10.0)4.57 (2)n.s.
 College10 (35.7)8 (40.0)
 Academic8 (28.6)10 (50.0)
Education, mother
 High school10 (31.3)1 (4.8)7.40 (2).025
 College10 (31.3)5 (23.8)
 Academic12 (37.4)15 (71.4)
Employment, father
 Employed26 (89.7)19 (95.0)0.80 (2)n.s.
 Unemployed2 (6.9)1 (5.0)
 Retired1 (3.4)0
Employment, mother
 Employed23 (71.9)20 (95.2)5.50 (2)n.s.
 Unemployed2 (6.3)1 (4.8)
 Retired7 (21.9)0
 Part-timeb4 (16. 7)2 (10.0)
Parents’ marital status
 Married22 (68.7)18 (85.7)1.97 (1)n.s.
 Other10 (31.3)3 (14.3)
Number children in family
 1 or 210 (31.3)7 (33.3)3.77 (4)n.s.
 311 (34.4)7 (33.3)
 48 (25.0)4 (19.0)
 5≥3 (9.3)3 (14.4)
Number of past injuriesc17 (56.3)5 (23.8)

Note. LD: learning disability; ADHD: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. aNot all participants answered all questions; thus, the total frequency within some demographics is less than the number of participants. bSome participants worked in part-time positions in addition to their regular employment. cInjuries are not requiring medical intervention.