Clinical Study

A Retrospective Study on Pathologic Features and Racial Disparities in Prostate Cancer

Table 1

Differences in percentages of diagnoses at the first biopsy between African American and Caucasian.

Diagnosis African American (n) Caucasian (n)P value

Benign (%)37.2 (372)48.4 (370)<0.0001a
 Age (Year, mean ± SD) (376) (370)<0.0001
 Serum PSA (ng/mL, median)5.7 (170)5.5 (146)>0.05
PIN (%)9.1 (92)9.9 (76) >0.05
 Age (Year, mean ± SD) (92) (76)>0.05
 Serum PSA (ng/mL, median)6.7 (73)5.5 (39)>0.05
ASAP (%)3.3 (33)2.9 (22) >0.05
 Age (Year, mean ± SD) (33) (22)>0.05
 Serum PSA (ng/mL, median)5.1 (21)5.8 (13)>0.05
Prostate cancer (%) 50.3 (509) 38.3 (293) <0.0001b
 Age (Year, mean ± SD) (509) (291) 0.027
 Serum PSA (ng/mL, median)11.6 (346)7 (162)<0.0001
 Gleason’s score (n/mean ± SD) (502) (289)<0.0001

a: OR = 0.63, 95% CI: 0.52–0.76. b: OR = 1.63, 95% CI: 1.35–1.97.