Research Article

Biomarkers of Prostatic Cancer: An Attempt to Categorize Patients into Prostatic Carcinoma, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, or Prostatitis Based on Serum Prostate Specific Antigen, Prostatic Acid Phosphatase, Calcium, and Phosphorus

Table 5

The analysis of prostate gland in patients of various groups based on digital rectal examination (DRE).

Group Number of patientsDRE details

Control 15Normal, firm, nontender prostate with maintained landmarks
13Grade I-II, nontenderness and maintained land marks
2Grade III-IV, prostatomegaly

Prostatitis 16Grade I-II prostatic enlargement with mild to moderate tenderness with maintained land marks
7Grade I-II with no tenderness with maintained landmarks
4Grade III-IV with mild to moderate tenderness and normal landmarks, firm consistency
3Grade III-IV with severe tenderness and soft prostate consistency

BPH 12Grade I-II
9Grade III
9Grade IV, firm, nontender with maintained landmarks (median groove, etc.), no induration