Research Article

Relevance of Interleukins 6 and 8 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Prostate Cancer: A Multicenter Study

Table 5

Comparison of haplotype frequencies of IL-6 rs1800795 and IL-8 rs2227306 SNPs in the affected and the control groups.

Haplotype IL-6 rs1800795 and IL-8 rs2227306Haplotype frequencies (%)Cancer versus control®BPH versus control®
Cancer (n = 80)BPH (n = 80)Control (n = 80)1OR1 (95%CI) (LL–UL)2OR2 (95%CI) (LL–UL)

CC versus (CT + GC + GT)17 (21.3%)26 (32.5%)18 (22.5%)0.8480.930 (0.439–1.967)0.1581.658 (0.821–3.350)
CT versus (CC + GC + GT)13 (16.3%)17 (21.3%)44 (55%)<0.0010.159 (0.076–0.333)<0.0010.221 (0.110–0.442)
GC versus (CC + CT + GT)24 (30%)4 (5%)2 (2.5%)<0.00116.714 (3.794–73.631)0.4142.053 (0.365–11.538)
GT versus (CC + CT + GC)26 (32.5%)33 (41.3%)16 (20%)0.0751.926 (0.937–3.958)0.0042.809 (1.387–5.689)

®: reference group, OR: odds ratio, CI: confidence interval, UL: upper limit, LL: lower limit. OR1, 1: odds ratio and value for comparing between cancer and control. OR2, 2: odds ratio and p value for comparing between BPH and control. Statistically significant at  ≤ 0.05.