Clinical Study

Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Parkinson's Disease with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia

Table 1

Pragmatic neuropsychological test battery and cognitive domains administered to the PD participants without dementia.

Cognitive domainNeuropsychological test

Attention and working memoryTrail Making Test A and B [18]
Serial 7’s; Digit 𝑛 -back [19]i
“FAS” verbal fluency task [20]
Executive dysfunctionWCSTii [21]
Digit 𝑛 -back
Memory5-minute recall of 3 words
Visuospatial functionIntersecting pentagons

iThe digit 𝑛 -back evaluates working memory, which comprises both attentional and executive components of short-term memory. This task has been used in PD (e.g., [22]). iiComputerised version of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test.