Research Article

Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Parkinson’s Disease Patients: Is Unattended Portable Monitoring a Suitable Tool?

Table 3

PM data for PD patients and non-PD controls.

PD patients ()Controls ()Adjusted values

Quality variables
 Recording time470.7 (75.7)439.9 (84.6)0.11
 Airflow signal quality (%)91.1 (14.2)98.3 (5.2)0.001
 Oxygen saturation signal quality (%)93.4 (16.6)95.7 (14.6)0.51
 Pulse signal quality (%)93.9 (16.2)95.8 (14.6)0.58
OSA variables
 RDI (events/h)15.0 (15.1)22.3 (19.5)
 Supine RDI (events/h)18.8 (24.4)24.2 (21.7)
 Nonsupine RDI (events/h)9.6 (12.4)15.6 (17.6)
 Time in supine (%)52.6 (30.8)48.2 (35.3)
 Mean saturation (%)93.7 (4.6)93.6 (2.5)
 Oxygen desaturation index (events/h)6.5 (8.1)12.6 (13.7)

Values are mean (SD) unless specified.
(%) Percentage of optimal signal quality as provided by the RemLogic software.
Adjusted value was obtained by performing linear regression, adjusted for age and gender.
PD: Parkinson’s disease.
RDI: respiration disturbance index.