Clinical Study

Early Freezing of Gait: Atypical versus Typical Parkinson Disorders

Table 2

Results of postural stability and locomotion tests on freezing of gait (FOG) patients unresponsive to levodopa compared to patients responsive to levodopa.

Tests FOG patients unresponsive to levodopa () 
Number Abnl Test/total number
FOG patients responsive to levodopa ()
Number Abnl Test/total number

FOG subtest >211/184/21 Odds ratio 
6.7, 95% CI 1.58–28.3;
= 0.01
Pull subtest ≥315/18 11/21 Odds ratio 
4.6, 95% CI 1.00–20.5;
= 0.05
Stand on one leg <3 seconds 15/18 11/21 Odds ratio 
4.6, 95% CI 3.1–20.1;
= 0.05
Gait subtest ≥2 10/186/21 Odds ratio 
Step length (meters) 0.45 ± 0.06 0.50 ± 0.404 = 0.05

Abnl: abnormal; FOG: freezing of gait.
Significant values are indicated in bold.