Clinical Study

Does Dopamine Depletion Trigger a Spreader Lexical-Semantic Activation in Parkinson’s Disease? Evidence from a Study Based on Word Fluency Tasks

Table 1

Average (SD) of anagraphic data of experimental samples and clinical features of patient’s group.


Age66.7 (7.6)67.9 (5.6)0.3 (1,37)0.57
Years of education11.1 (4.2)12.4 (3.4)1.0 (1,37)0.31
MMSE (raw score)26.5 (0.45)29.4 (0.76)5.6 (1,37)0.23
H&Y (range) [20]2.5–3
Disease duration2.9 (1.9)
UPDRS “ON”11.8 (4.3)8.2 (1,19)0.01
UPDRS “OFF”16.3 (7.6)
L-Dopa equivalents352.1 (138.5)
Therapy duration (years)1.7 (0.6)