Research Article

Determinants of Dyadic Relationship and Its Psychosocial Impact in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease and Their Spouses

Table 1

Demographics and clinical features.  dyads.


Female (%)22 (43.1)29 (56.9)
Level of education
 Elementary (%)8 (15.7)6 (11.8)
 Secondary (%)11 (21.6)16 (31.4)
 University (%)32 (62.7)29 (56.9)
Level of income (SEK)
 0–199,000 (%)13 (25.5)13 (25.5)
 200,000–450,000 (%)27 (52.9)30 (58.8)
 >450,000 (%)11 (21.6)8 (15.7)
Retired (%)45 (88.2)39 (76.5)
Working (%)10 (19.6)16 (31.4)
Total MSm (SD)3.2 (0.65)2.9 (0.77)
Dimension of MS
 Lovemd (IQR)3.6 (0.67)3.6 (1.0)
 Shared pleasurable activitiesmd (IQR)3.2 (1.25)3.0 (1.25)
 Shared valuesmd (IQR)3.0 (1.0)3.0 (1.5)
 Reciprocitymd (IQR)3.3 (1.0)2.8 (1.67)
Total CBSm (SD)42.5 (15.8)
PD-durationm (SD)8.4 (6.4)
PDQ8SIm (SD)27.4 (14.6)
IQCODEM (SD)3.2 (.53)
Hohen & Yahrmd (IQR)2.0 (1)
NMSQuestm (SD)12.1 (4.6)
UPDRS IIIm (SD)18.1 (5.8)
PD-patients self-rating of motor signs
 Tremor (%)28 (54.9)
 Bradykinesia (%)43 (84.3)
 Rigidity (%)38 (74.5)
 Gait (%)35 (68.6)

Notes: PD: Parkinson’s disease, MS: mutuality scale, CBS: caregiver burden scale, PDQ8SI: the Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire Summery Index, IQCODE: Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly, NMSQuest: Non-motor Symptoms Questionnaire, and UPDRS III: the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale-Part III.
Some of the study subjects were still working.