Research Article

Factor Structure of the Ways of Coping Questionnaire in Parkinson’s Disease

Table 2

Rotated loadings for 6-factor exploratory factor analysis.

Escape AvoidanceConfrontivePlanful Problem SolvingSeeking Social SupportDistancingFaith

Criticised/lectured myself0.630
Tried not to burn bridges0.336
Hoped for miracle+0.568
Went along with fate/luck0.650
Slept more+0.597
Tried to forget0.534
Avoided others+0.399
Refused to believe+0.535
Wished situation would go away+0.564
Tried to change person’s mind+0.707
Expressed anger+0.843
Took it out on others0.684
Concentrate on next step+0.504−0.353
Inspired to be creative0.508
Made plan of action+0.682
Changed something+0.567
Drew on past experience+0.5720.304
Double efforts to work+0.774
Couple of solutions+0.778
Stop it interfering with other things0.336
Talk to find out more+0.3530.524
Talked to someone who helped+0.3960.530
Look for silver lining0.316
Accepted sympathy/understanding+0.724
Asked advice+0.754
Talked to someone+0.716
Brought the problem on myself0.392
Kept others from knowing0.478
Made light of situation+0.628
Didn’t let it get to me+0.618−0.317
Found new faith0.3270.753
Changed myself0.378

Note. Loadings ≤0.3 suppressed; bold indicates a loading twice that or greater than the loading on any other factor. +Item loads onto the same factor in the original 8-factor structure WCQ.P < .05.