Research Article

Exercise Therapies for Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Table 1

Search strategy.


#1Search “Parkinson Disease”[Mesh] OR “Parkinsonian Disorders”[Mesh]
#2Search “Parkinson Disease”[tiab] OR “Parkinsonian Disorders”[tiab]
#3Search Parkinson∗[tiab]
#4Search ((Parkinson∗[tiab]) OR (“Parkinson Disease”[tiab] OR “Parkinsonian Disorders”[tiab])) OR (“Parkinson Disease”[Mesh] OR “Parkinsonian Disorders”[Mesh])
#5Search (((((((((“Exercise Therapy”[Mesh]) OR “Physical therapy Modalities”[Mesh]) OR “Exercise Test”[Mesh]) OR “Exercise movement Techniques”[Mesh]) OR “occupational Therapy”[Mesh]) OR “Physical Fitness”[Mesh]) OR “Movement”[Mesh]) OR “physical Stimulation”[Mesh]) OR “Physical education and Training”[Mesh]) OR “physical and rehabilitation Medicine”[Mesh]
#6Search (((((((((“Exercise Therapy”[tiab]) OR “Physical therapy Modalities”[tiab]) OR “exercise Test”[tiab]) OR “Exercise Movement Techniques”[tiab]) OR “occupational Therapy”[tiab]) OR “physical Fitness”[tiab]) OR “Movement”[tiab]) OR “physical Stimulation”[tiab]) OR “physical education and Training”[tiab]) OR “physical and rehabilitation Medicine”[tiab]
#7Search Treadmil$[tiab] OR excercise$[tiab]
#8Search (((Treadmil$[tiab] OR excercise$[tiab])) OR ((((((((((“exercise Therap”[tiab]) OR “physical therapy Modalities”[tiab]) OR “exercise Test”[tiab]) OR “exercise movement Techniques”[tiab]) OR “occupational Therapy”[tiab]) OR “physical Fitness”[tiab]) OR “Movement”[tiab]) OR “physical Stimulation”[tiab]) OR “physical education and Training”[tiab]) OR “physical and rehabilitation Medicine”[tiab])) OR ((((((((((“exercise Therapy”[Mesh]) OR “physical therapy Modalities”[Mesh]) OR “exercise Test”[Mesh]) OR “exercise movement Techniques”[Mesh]) OR “occupational Therapy”[Mesh]) OR “physical Fitness”[Mesh]) OR “Movement”[Mesh]) OR “physical Stimulation”[Mesh]) OR “physical education and Training”[Mesh]) OR “physical and rehabilitation Medicine”[Mesh])
#9Search (((((Treadmil$[tiab] OR excercise$[tiab])) OR ((((((((((“exercise Therap”[tiab]) OR “physical therapy Modalities”[tiab]) OR “exercise Test”[tiab]) OR “exercise movement Techniques”[tiab]) OR “occupational Therapy”[tiab]) OR “physical Fitness”[tiab]) OR “Movement”[tiab]) OR “physical Stimulation”[tiab]) OR “physical education and Training”[tiab]) OR “physical and rehabilitation Medicine”[tiab])) OR ((((((((((“Exercise Therapy”[Mesh]) OR “physical therapy Modalities”[Mesh]) OR “Exercise Test”[Mesh]) OR “Exercise movement Techniques”[Mesh]) OR “occupational Therapy”[Mesh]) OR “physical Fitness”[Mesh]) OR “Movement”[Mesh]) OR “physical Stimulation”[Mesh]) OR “physical education and Training”[Mesh]) OR “physical and rehabilitation Medicine”[Mesh]))) AND (((Parkinson∗[tiab]) OR (“Parkinson Disease”[tiab] OR “parkinsonian Disorders”[tiab])) OR (“Parkinson Disease”[Mesh] OR “parkinsonian Disorders”[Mesh]))
#10Search (((((Treadmil$[tiab] OR excercise$[tiab])) OR ((((((((((“exercise Therapy”[tiab]) OR “physical therapy Modalities”[tiab]) OR “exercise Test”[tiab]) OR “exercise movement Techniques”[tiab]) OR “occupational Therapy”[tiab]) OR “physical Fitness”[tiab]) OR “Movement”[tiab]) OR “physical Stimulation”[tiab]) OR “physical education and Training”[tiab]) OR “physical and rehabilitation Medicine”[tiab])) OR ((((((((((“exercise Therapy”[Mesh]) OR “physical therapy Modalities”[Mesh]) OR “Exercise Test”[Mesh]) OR “exercise movement Techniques”[Mesh]) OR “occupational Therapy”[Mesh]) OR “physical Fitness
[Mesh]) OR “Movement”[Mesh]) OR “physical Stimulatio”[Mesh]) OR “physical education and Training”[Mesh]) OR “physical and rehabilitation Medicine”[Mesh]))) AND (((Parkinson∗[tiab]) OR (“Parkinson Disease”[tiab] OR “parkinsonian Disorders”[tiab])) OR (“Parkinson Disease”[Mesh] OR “parkinsonian Disorders”[Mesh])) filters: Clinical trial

#1MeSH descriptor: [Parkinson disease] explode all trees
#2Parkinson∗:ti,ab, kw (word variations have been searched)
#3MeSH descriptor: [Physical therapy modalities] explode all trees
#4MeSH descriptor: [Exercise movement techniques] explode all trees
#5MeSH descriptor: [Movement] explode all trees
#6MeSH descriptor: [Physical fitness] explode all trees
#7MeSH descriptor: [Occupational therapy] explode all trees
#8MeSH descriptor: [Physical endurance] explode all trees
#9MeSH descriptor: [Physical stimulation] explode all trees
#10MeSH descriptor: [Physical education and training] explode all trees
#11MeSH descriptor: [Physical and rehabilitation medicine] explode all trees
#12MeSH descriptor: [Exercise therapy] explode all trees
#13MeSH descriptor: [Physical therapy modalities] explode all trees
#14“Physical therapy” or “exercise movement techniques” or “occupational therapy” or movement or “physical fitness”: ti, ab, kw (word variations have been searched)
#15“Physical endurance” or “physical stimulation” or “physical education” or “physical: ti, ab, kw (word variations have been searched)
#16Walking∗ or Treadmil$∗: ti,ab, kw (word variations have been searched)
#17#1 or #2
#18#3 or #4 or #5 or #6 or #7 or #8 or #9 or #10 or #11 or #12 or #13 or #14 or #15 or #16
#19#17 and #18

#1“Parkinson disease”/exp
#3“Parkinson disease”/exp OR Parkinson∗:ab,ti
#4“physiotherapy”/exp OR “kinesiotherapy”/exp OR “occupational therapy”/exp OR “body movement”/exp OR “fitness”/exp OR “endurance”/exp OR “stimulation”/exp OR “physical education”/exp OR “physical medicine”/exp OR “exercise”/exp
#5“physiotherapy”:ab, ti OR “kinesiotherapy”:ab, ti OR “occupational therapy”:ab, ti OR “body movement”:ab, ti OR “fitness”:ab, ti OR “endurance”:ab, ti OR “stimulation”:ab, ti OR “physical education”:ab, ti OR “physical medicine”:ab, ti OR “exercise”:ab,ti
#6walking∗:ab, ti OR treadmil∗:ab,ti
#7(“physiotherapy”/exp OR “kinesiotherapy”/exp OR “occupational therapy”/exp OR “body movement”/exp OR “fitness”/exp OR “endurance”/exp OR “stimulation”/exp OR “physical education”/exp OR “physical medicine”/exp OR “exercise”/exp) OR (“physiotherapy”:ab, ti OR “kinesiotherapy”:ab, ti OR “occupational therapy”:ab, ti OR “body movement”:ab, ti OR “fitness”:ab, ti OR “enduranc”:ab, ti OR “stimulation”:ab, ti OR “physical education”':ab, ti OR “physical medicine”:ab, ti OR “exercise”:ab,ti) OR (walking∗:ab, ti OR treadmil∗:ab,ti)
#8(“Parkinson disease”/exp OR Parkinson∗:ab,ti) AND ((“physiotherapy”/exp OR “kinesiotherapy”/exp OR “occupational therapy”/exp OR “body movement”/exp OR “fitness”/exp OR “endurance”/exp OR “stimulation”/exp OR “physical education”/exp OR “physical medicine”/exp OR “exercis”/exp) OR (“physiotherapy”:ab, ti OR “kinesiotherapy”:ab, ti OR “occupational therapy”:ab, ti OR “body movement”:ab, ti OR “fitness
:ab, ti OR “endurance”:ab, ti OR “stimulation”:ab, ti OR “physical education”:ab, ti OR “physical medicine”:ab, ti OR “exercise”:ab,ti) OR (walking∗:ab, ti OR treadmil∗:ab,ti))
#9(“Parkinson disease”/exp OR Parkinson∗:ab,ti) AND ((“physiotherapy”/exp OR “kinesiotherapy”/exp OR “occupational therapy”/exp OR “body movement”/exp OR “fitness”/exp OR “endurance”/exp OR “stimulation”/exp OR “physical education”/exp OR “physical medicine”/exp OR “exercise”/exp) OR (“physiotherapy”:ab, ti OR “kinesiotherapy”:ab, ti OR “occupational therapy”:ab, ti OR “body movement”:ab, ti OR “fitness”:ab, ti OR “endurance”:ab, ti OR “stimulation”:ab, ti OR “physical education”:ab, ti OR “physical medicine”:ab, ti OR “exercise”:ab,ti) OR (walking∗:ab, ti OR treadmil∗:ab,ti)) AND [humans]/lim
#10(“Parkinson disease”/exp OR Parkinson∗:ab,ti) AND ((“physiotherapy”/exp OR “kinesiotherapy”/exp OR “occupational therapy”/exp OR “body movement”/exp OR “fitness”/exp OR “endurance”/exp OR “stimulation”/exp OR “physical education”/exp OR “physical medicine”/exp OR “exercise”/exp) OR (“physiotherapy”:ab, ti OR “kinesiotherapy”:ab, ti OR “occupational therapy”:ab, ti OR “body movement”:ab, ti OR “fitness”:ab, ti OR “endurance”:ab, ti OR “stimulation”:ab, ti OR “physical education”:ab, ti OR “physical medicine”:ab, ti OR “exercise”:ab,ti) OR (walking∗:ab, ti OR treadmil∗:ab,ti)) AND [humans]/lim AND ([controlled clinical trial]/lim OR [randomized controlled trial]/lim)
#11(“Parkinson disease”/exp OR Parkinson∗:ab,ti) AND ((“physiotherapy”/exp OR “kinesiotherapy”/exp OR “occupational therapy”/exp OR “body movement”/exp OR “fitness”/exp OR “endurance”/exp OR “stimulation”/exp OR “physical educatio”/exp OR “physical medicine”/exp OR “exercise”/exp) OR (“physiotherapy”:ab, ti OR “kinesiotherapy”:ab, ti OR “occupational therapy”:ab, ti OR “body movement”:ab, ti OR “fitness”:ab, ti OR “endurance”:ab, ti OR “stimulation”:ab, ti OR “physical education”:ab, ti OR “physical medicine”:ab, ti OR “exercise”:ab,ti) OR (walking∗:ab, ti OR treadmil∗:ab,ti)) AND [humans]/lim AND ([controlled clinical trial]/lim OR [randomized controlled trial]/lim) AND ([cochrane review]/lim OR [systematic review]/lim OR [meta-analysis]/lim)

파킨슨 and 운동

#10Parkinson disease
#17#11 AND #17