Research Article

Evaluation of Motor Complications in Parkinson’s Disease: Understanding the Perception Gap between Patients and Physicians

Table 6

Quality of life as assessed by patients and physicians (PDQ-8).

PDQ-8PatientPhysician value
Mean (SD)Median (min, max)Mean (SD)Median (min, max)

Mobility60.5 (35.5)75.0 (0, 100)62.1 (33.5)75.0 (0, 100)0.5812
Activities of daily living54.4 (36.5)50.0 (0, 100)55.4 (35.2)50.0 (0, 100)0.4868
Emotional well-being37.0 (31.4)25.0 (0, 100)35.5 (30.2)25.0 (0, 100)0.5284
Social support23.6 (30.8)0.0 (0, 100)25.7 (29.6)25.0 (0, 100)0.3386
Cognition33.5 (31.8)25.0 (0, 100)31.7 (30.8)25.0 (0, 100)0.4577
Communication33.5 (32.9)25.0 (0, 100)30.6 (31.5)25.0 (0, 100)0.1115
Bodily discomfort25.1 (29.8)25.0 (0, 100)20.1 (28.4)0.0 (0, 100)0.0102
Stigma28.4 (30.8)25.0 (0, 100)30.2 (29.0)25.0 (0, 100)0.3281
Summary index36.9 (24.5)34.4 (0, 100)36.4 (24.3)34.4 (0, 100)0.7532

PDQ-8: 8-item Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire; SD: standard deviation.