Research Article

Handgrip Strength and Anthropometry in Parkinson’s Disease at Diagnosis

Table 4

Multiple linear regression models, B-value, and value for left and right handgrip strength. Interaction between cortisol and phosphate is included.

Patients N  = 75Controls N  = 24
Handgrip strength

BMI (kg/m2)−0.020 (0.916)0.166 (0.400)0.203 (0.485)0.307 (0.260)
Age, years−0.332 (<0.001)−0.375 (<0.001)−0.586 (0.007)−0.460 (0.018)
Sex, M = 0, F = 1−15.470 (<0.001)−15.674 (<0.001)−11.850 (<0.001)−9.464 (<0.001)
P-cortisol (μmol/l)0.125 (0.004)0.113 (0.014)−0.021 (0.054)−0.015 (0.137)
P-phosphate (mmol/l)33.418 (0.015)33.504 (0.028)0.324 (0.974)−14.518 (0.130)
UPDRS-III−0.185 (0.017)−0.094 (0.238)
Cortisol x phosphate−0.102 (0.005)−0.094 (0.013)

BMI = body mass index (kg/m2). UPDRS = Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale.