Research Article

Treatment Satisfaction and Its Influencing Factors in Parkinson’s Disease: A Web-Based Survey of Patients and Physicians in Clinical Practice in Japan

Table 2

Demographics of eligible respondents (physicians).

CharacteristicTotal, N = 331

Sex, male, %93.1
Age, %
 <40 years17.2
 40–49 years29.6
 50–59 years36.0
 >60 years17.2
Clinical experience, years, mean ± SD19.4 ± 8.7
Number of patients with PD treated (in the last 6 months), mean ± SD52.1 ± 65.9
Certified neurologist, %34.1
Department, %
 General internal medicine37.5
Number of beds, %

PD: Parkinson’s disease; SD: standard deviation.