Research Article

MAO-B Polymorphism Associated with Progression in a Chinese Parkinson’s Disease Cohort but Not in the PPMI Cohort

Table 3

Association between SNPs and PCA progression in the TW and PPMI cohorts.

CohortGeneSNPPCEstimate (95% CI) valueType

PPMISYT4.RIT2rs12456492PC1−0.333 (−0.536–0.131)0.0013333Motor PCA
TWMAO-Brs1799836PC20.402 (0.219–0.586)0.0000686Nonmotor PCA
MAO-Brs1799836PC31.584 (0.957–2.21)0.0000084
MAO-Brs1799836PC10.457 (0.247–0.666)0.0000765
TWMAO-Brs1799836PC1-−839 (−1.336–0.342)0.0014921Composite PCA

PC, principal component; PCA, principal component analysis.