Research Article

Telerehabilitation: A Practical Remote Alternative for Coaching and Monitoring Physical Kinetic Therapy in Patients with Mild and Moderate Disabling Parkinson’s Disease during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Table 1

Participant selection criteria.

Baseline inclusion criteriaMild or moderately disabling, idiopathic PD (score range 1.5-3 on HY scale, in “OFF” state)
No history of positive COVID-19, nor recent contact with positive people
Not currently receiving physical therapy or occupational therapy
Able to stand up and walk independently 6 meters
Able to follow verbal commands
Able to provide informed consent (agreement to be filmed and photographed while maintaining the elements of confidentiality)
Stable pharmacological treatment for the last six months
Access to ICT devices and services appropriate for providing at-home motor telerehabilitation: smartphone, iPhone, tablet, or PC, Internet access
Personal automatic digital sphygmomanometer and a pulse oximeter (a few subjects had a smartwatch)
The caregiver’s presence and family mediation were mandatory (for technical assistance and safety during the telerehabilitation kinetic session)

Exclusion criteria to maintain safetyAge over 70
Severe comorbidities: History of cardiac conditions (myocardial infarction, uncontrolled arrhythmias, and congestive heart failure 3-4 NYHA)
History of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and use of supplemental oxygen
History of stroke, cerebral tumor, and severe traumatic brain injury
Orthostatic hypotension (systolic BP < 110 mmHg) or uncontrolled resting hypertension (systolic BP > 180 mmHg or diastolic >110 mmHg)
Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
Disabling arthritis or severe pain (that could limit physical activity)
Visual and auditory impairments that disrupt audio-video interactions
Cognitive impairments (dementia and aphasia) that prevent the patient from understanding audio-video information and signing the ethical consent form. Patients quantified ≤3 with the Mini-Cog test
History of same-level falls occurred in the last six months
DBS (deep brain stimulation) or continuous duodenal levodopa infusion (levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel)