Research Article

The Priority Goals and Underlying Impairments Contributing to Goal-Related Problems of People with Parkinson’s Disease Receiving a Community-Based Rehabilitation Program

Table 4

Number and percentage of goals classified by primary underlying impairment according to ICF Body Functions chapters.

ICF body functions first and second level chapter codesn (%)ICF description of chapter and example GAS goals

Mental functions64 (72.7)This chapter is about the functions of the brain: both global mental functions, such as consciousness, energy and drive, and specific mental functions, such as memory, language, and calculation mental functions
 b1641 organisation and planning23 (26.1)Bedroom is mostly organised
 b1642 time management16 (18.2)Completes planned tasks or jobs scheduled for the day on 3-4 days per week
 b1301 motivation10 (11.4)Engage in social and volunteer activities 3-4 days per week
 b1443 working memory5 (5.7)Reduce missed dose or late dose to 3 times per week
 b1521 regulation of emotion3 (3.4)Recover from and reduce frustration from distractions
 b1300 energy level3 (3.4)Increase incidences of going out and/or completing heavy home chores per week
 b1671 expression of language3 (3.4)Reduce word finding problems, increase participation in conversation
 b1266 confidence1 (1.1)Resume travel for leisure (increase confidence)
Neuromusculoskeletal and movement-related functions23 (26.1)This chapter is about the functions of movement and mobility, including functions of joints, bones, reflexes, and muscles
 b7602 coordination of voluntary movements11 (12.5)Improve ease and independence with moving in bed
 b7601 control of complex voluntary movements7 (7.9)Handwriting will increase in legibility
 b7651 tremor4 (4.5)Manage tremor when socialising
 b755 involuntary movement reaction functions1 (1.1)Reduce number of falls
Sensory functions and pain1 (1.1)This chapter is about the functions of the senses, seeing, hearing, tasting, and so on, as well as the sensation of pain
 b2802 pain in multiple body parts1 (1.1)Experiences decreased pain/discomfort in the evenings