Clinical Study

The Role of Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test in IPF Prognosis

Table 3

Significant predictors of survival among the variables of CPET and 6MWT in IPF patients.

VariablesWald testScore (log rank)
HRCI (95%)Sum-index

VE/VCO2 slope0.0010.00021.091.04–1.150.0017
VO2 peak/kg 0.0010.00040.750.60–0.950.0033
Distance (meters)0.0030.00080.990.98–1.000.0047
VE/VCO2 ratio at AT0.0060.00011.151.04–1.260.0074
Desaturation (%)0.0070.00251.451.11–1.900.0102

Minute ventilation (VE), carbon dioxide output (VCO2), peak oxygen consumption/kg (VO2 peak/kg), diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide% (DLCO%), VE/VCO2 slope at anaerobic threshold (AT), and hazard ratio (HR).