Clinical Study

A Simple Clinical Measure of Quadriceps Muscle Strength Identifies Responders to Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Table 2

Baseline assessment data for responders compared to non-responders in the Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire.

Responders Nonresponders

Number (%)44 (52.3%)40 (47.6%)
Age (years)
FEV1% predicted
Quadriceps strength (%)
Physical activity level (METs)+
Interleukin-8 (pg/mL)*
C Reactive Protein (pg/mL)*
COPD self-efficacy score
Charlson comorbidity index
Metabolic disease 17/44 (39%)8/40 (20%)
Cardiac disease12/44 (27%)13/40 (33%)
Musculoskeletal disease15/44 (34%)12/40 (30%)
Baseline CRQ

Data expressed as the mean ± standard deviation. FEV1%: forced expiratory volume in one second, mMRC: modified Medical Research Council dyspnea scale, METs: metabolic equivalent of task, and CRQ: Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire.
Systemic inflammatory markers were assessed in 77 participants.
Physical activity level was assessed in 46 participants.