Review Article

Correlation between Clinical Characteristics and Chest Computed Tomography Findings of Pulmonary Cryptococcosis

Table 1

Clinical characteristics of 16 patients with pulmonary cryptococcosis.


Number of patients 16 (100.0%)
Male/female10 (62.5%)/6 (37.5%)
Age (years)60 [25–82]
 <70 years/≥70 years8 (50.0%)/8 (50.0%)
Host status
 Immunocompetent3 (18.8%)
 Immunocompromised13 (81.2%)
BMI, kg/m220.8 [16.0–28.3]
 <18.5, 18.5~25, ≥25 kg/m21 (6.3%)/12 (75.0%)/3 (18.7%)
HbA1c (%)5.6 [4.9–7.0]
 ≥6.5%/<6.5% 2 (12.5%)/14 (87.5%)
 None6 (37.5%)
 Fever5 (31.3%)
 Cough5 (31.3%)
 General fatigue3 (18.8%)
 Dissemination/confined to the lung1 (6.3%)/15 (93.7%)
Treatment and follow-up
 No treatment4 (25.0%)
 Antifungal drugs10 (62.5%)
 Surgery + antifungal drugs1 (6.3%)
 Unknown1 (6.3%)

Laboratory data Median [range]

WBC (/μL)8100 [1500–31400]
Lym (/μL) 1300 [230–2900]
Hb (g/dL)11.3 [4.4–16.5]
Plt (×104/μL) 18.0 [1.4–36.0]
Albumin (g/dL) 3.8 [3.2–4.1]
ESR (mm/hr)27 [1–78]
CRP (mg/dL) 0.7 [0.1–7.0]
IgG (mg/dL) 889 [410–4121]
Positive for serum cryptococcal antigen titer16 (100%)
Diagnosis by
 TBLB (histology)4 (25.0%)
 Surgery (histology)1 (6.3%)
 Bronchial brushing and washing (cytology)2 (12.5%)
 Positive of the serum cryptococcal antigen titer and radiological abnormalities 9 (56.3%)

Values are shown as median [range] or number (%).
BMI: body mass index, HbA1c: hemoglobin A1c, WBC: white blood cell, Lym: lymphocyte cell, Hb: hemoglobin, Plt: platelet, ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CRP: C-reactive protein, IgG: immunoglobulin G, and TBLB: transbronchial lung biopsy.