Research Article

Predictive Value of Pleural Cytology in the Diagnosis of Complicated Parapneumonic Effusions and Empyema Thoracis

Figure 1

Clockwise from upper left: (a) UPE with discordant cytology smear showing marked cellularity comprised of PMNs, monocytes, and cellular debris in the background. (b) UPE with concordant cytology smear showing proteinaceous, paucicellular fluid with window paning. (c) CPE with discordant cytology smear demonstrating a very similar appearance to (b) with paucicellular, proteinaceous fluid, and (d) CPE with concordant cytology smear showing marked cellularity with admixed PMNs and monocytes and an abundance of fibrinous debris in the background. (Wright Giemsa stains, a–d).