Research Article

Cross-Species Differential Plasma Protein Binding of MBX-102/JNJ39659100: A Novel PPAR- 𝛾 Agonist

Table 4

Differential activation of PPAR-γ by PPAR-γ agonists in the presence of 10% of human, rat, and mouse serum. Values are EC50 ( M) determined from 3 experiments and shown as the mean ± SD. FC is the ratio of EC50s for human: rat or human: mouse (* = , ** = , *** = by ANOVA with Tukey post hoc test).

PPAR agonist Mean EC50 ( M) ± SD Fold Change in EC50
Human Rat Mouse Human:Rat Human:Mouse

MBX-102 acid 260 ± 16.9 196 ± 18 169 ± 5.2 1.33** 1.53***
Rosiglitazone 0.39*** 0.45***
Pioglitazone 0.73NS 0.86NS