Research Article

Activation of Penile Proadipogenic Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor 𝛾 with an Estrogen: Interaction with Estrogen Receptor Alpha during Postnatal Development

Figure 5

RT-PCR amplification of PPARγ (γ, γ1a, γ1b, and γ2) splice variants in the body of the penis (P) of control (lanes, 2–5) and DES-treated (lanes, 7–10) 28-day-old rats. Lanes 12–15 were amplification products from RNA template obtained from rat liver (L) (used as positive control for PPARγ1b). Lanes 16–19 were RNA template from rat white adipose tissue (F) (used as positive control for PPARγ1a and PPARγ2). Note that only PPARγ and PPARγ1a were detected in (P) of normal rats. In contrast, in DES-treated rats enhanced expression of all PPARγ splice variants can be noted. In addition to PPARγ and PPARγ1a expression (seen in normal rats), PPARγ1b and PPARγ2 were induced by DES-treatment. As expected, PPARγ1b and PPARγ2 were strongly expressed in (L) and (F), respectively. S-15 (S, lane 20) is a housekeeping gene amplified from (P) as control for RT-PCR conditions. The expected amplicon sizes for S, PPARγ1a, PPARγ1b, PPARγ2, and PPARγ are 361, 658, 618, 563, and 533 bp, respectively.