Review Article

PPAR 𝛾 and Agonists against Cancer: Rational Design of Complementation Treatments

Figure 2

Mechanisms of transrepression by PPARγ. (a) Ligand-independent repression: preferential recruitment of corepressors in the absence of agonists. (b) Direct binding and sequestration of transcription factors on example of NFκB. (c) Activation of genes encoding inhibitors of transcription factor (e.g., NFκB inhibitor, IκBα). (d) Direct binding and inactivation of kinases, which activate transcription factors (e.g., the blockade of JNK activation of cJun). (e) Competitive binding of the coactivator complex. (f) The blockade of corepressor clearance: sumoylated PPARγ stabilizes corepressor complexes (NCoR, Tab2, and TBL1) on the promoter and facilitates the recruitment of HDAC3. In the absence of sumoylation, NCoR, Tab2, and TBL1 are subject to ubiquitination and proteasomal clearance.