Review Article

PPARs in the Renal Regulation of Systemic Blood Pressure

Figure 3

Paracrine effects of the RAAS and their modulation by PPARγ. In adipocytes (a) PPARγ activation is suggested to reduce ATG synthesis, impeding RAAS activation; this can ameliorate hypertension in obese diabetic patients. Independently of RAAS modulation, PPARγ improves insulin action in adipocytes, reducing the production of proinflammatory cytokines and reducing the risk of atherogenesis and nephropathy. In kidney mesangial cells (b) PPARγ activation reduces TGFβ-mediated hypertrophy and downregulates expression of AT-R1 and ACE. Some PPARγ ligands, such as telmisartan, combine AT-R1 blocking and ACE inhibitor properties, effectively inhibiting the proinflammatory actions of Ang-II in the kidney. This dual action can also reduce vascular inflammation resulting from VSMC dysfunction (c) and cardiomyocyte hyprtreophy in chronic hypertension (d). We labeled with asterisks PPARγ, where its ligands can act through both direct AT-R1 inhibition and downregulation of ACE/AT-R1 gene expression. TGFβ: transforming growth factor-β, ECM: extracellular matrix, VCAM: vascular cell adhesion molecule, ROS: reactive oxygen species, αMHC/βMHC: myosin heavy chain α/β, ANF: atrial natriuretic factor.