Research Article

Inhibitors of Fatty Acid Synthesis Induce PPARα-Regulated Fatty Acid β-Oxidative Genes: Synergistic Roles of L-FABP and Glucose

Figure 5

Mass spectral characterization of CoA derivatives of TOFA and C75. HPLC purified TOFYL-CoA (Panel a, ) and C75-CoA (Panel b, ) were examined by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry utilizing a Shimadzu/Kratos Axima CFR MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer (Columbia, MD, USA) in reflectron mode. Samples were analyzed by the dried-drop method using α-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (Sigma-Aldrich) as the matrix. The instrument was calibrated with angiotensin and fibrinopeptide B . The calibrants were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich. The parent ions for TOFyl-CoA and C75-CoA were obtained at (a) and (b), respectively.