Research Article

IL-15 Mediates Mitochondrial Activity through a PPARδ-Dependent-PPARα-Independent Mechanism in Skeletal Muscle Cells

Figure 6

Involvement of PPARδ in IL-15 mediated mitochondrial activity. (a) Citrate synthase (CS) activity; (b) total intracellular ATP content; (c) mRNA expression of cytochrome C oxidase isoforms Cox5b, Cox7a1, and Cox8b. Assessments were carried out on total cell lysates from C2C12 SKM cells following treatment every other day, for 6 days, with either vehicle control (DMSO), IL-15 (100 ng/mL), 1 μM of the PPARδ inhibitor (GSK-3787), or IL-15 + GSK-3787 (I + G). All values are displayed as means ± SEM, per group, from vehicle control group; ; from all groups, ; from IL-15 group, ; different from IL-15 group, .