Review Article

MicroRNAs-Dependent Regulation of PPARs in Metabolic Diseases and Cancers

Figure 3

miRNAs targeting PPAR transcriptional partners, cofactors/repressors, and other regulators. miRNAs that have been experimentally demonstrated to specifically target PPAR transcriptional partners (RXR and Prdm16), PPAR cofactors (Pgc1α), PPAR repressors (NCOR2), and other PPAR regulators (Sirt1) are illustrated. miRNAs identified in human studies are in blue, those identified in mouse/rat studies are in green, and those identified in both human and rodents studies are in red. PPAR: peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α, β/δ, or γ; RXR: Retinoid-X-Receptor; Prdm16: PR domain-containing 16; Sirt1: Sirtuin-1; NCOR2: nuclear receptor corepressor 2 (SMRT); Pgc1α: peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1; PPRE: peroxisome proliferator response element.