Research Article

Arsenic Trioxide in Synergy with Vitamin D Rescues the Defective VDR-PPAR- Functional Module of Autophagy in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Figure 6

Regulation effect of ATO on VDR-PPAR-γ functional module. The Vitamin D receptor (VDR) and PPAR-γ interplay with each other and form a functional module. ATO rescued defective autophagy by regulating this functional module in synovial fibroblasts, thus inhibiting the expression of inflammatory and catabolic factors. Serving as a regulatory mechanism, autophagy has complex interrelationships with other physiological processes including angiogenesis and apoptosis, which can be regulated by ATO. The solid lines indicate our original data or results from our study that have been corroborated by other labs; dotted lines indicate that research is still ongoing.