Research Article

Comparative Study of PPARγ Targets in Human Extravillous and Villous Cytotrophoblasts

Figure 2

Microarray data normalization and DEG heatmap of RT-EVCTs and RT-VCTs. (a) RT-EVCT gene expression microarray was performed with the Affymetrix GeneChip while the RT-VCT microarray used the SHDZ/Stanford University chip. DEGs were detected based on the thresholds of 1.5-fold change and 5% FDR for the RT-EVCT microarray matrix; a threshold of 1% FDR was applied for the RT-VCT microarray matrix. The Loess normalization method was used to normalize both datasets. Box plots represent microarray data before and after normalization, with blue indicating data from RT-EVCTs and pink data from RT-VCTs. (b) Heatmaps of five independent samples of RT-EVCTs and RT-VCTs. Upregulated DEGs are represented in red and downregulated DEGs in blue. DEGs: differentially expressed genes; RT-EVCTs: rosiglitazone-treated extravillous cytotrophoblasts; RT-VCTs: rosiglitazone-treated villous cytotrophoblasts; FDR: false discovery rate; TRT: treated.