Research Article

Comparative Study of PPARγ Targets in Human Extravillous and Villous Cytotrophoblasts

Figure 5

GO and pathway terms associated with DEGs that were downregulated in RT-EVCTs and RT-VCTs, respectively, compared to controls. Downregulated DEGs of RT-EVCTs (a, b) and RT-VCTs (c, d) were submitted to ClueGO separately, with the default parameters. GO and pathway enrichment were set up for analysis. DEGs were classified by three ways: by GO biological process, GO molecular function, and GO cellular component (a, c). Pathway enrichment was determined via comparison with the KEGG database (b, d). (a) The GO terms most associated with DEGs that were downregulated in RT-EVCTs. (b) The pathways that were most enriched among the downregulated DEGs in RT-EVCTs. (c) The GO terms most associated with DEGs that were downregulated in RT-VCTs. (d) The pathways that were most enriched among the downregulated DEGs in RT-VCTs. An exhaustive list of all associated terms (including those not pictured above) can be found in supplementary materials (Tables S1-S8). DEGs: differentially expressed genes; RT-EVCTs: rosiglitazone-treated extravillous cytotrophoblasts; RT-VCTs: rosiglitazone-treated villous cytotrophoblasts; GO: gene ontology; KEGG: Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes.