Research Article

Comparative Study of PPARγ Targets in Human Extravillous and Villous Cytotrophoblasts

Figure 6

Comparison of enriched GO terms between RT-EVCTs and RT-VCTs. Up and downregulated DEGs of RT-EVCTs and RT-VCTs were submitted separately to analysis in clusterProfiler, for a total of four groups. GO and pathway enrichment were set up for analysis. DEGs were classified by their associated (a) GO biological process, (b) GO molecular function, and (c) GO cellular component. DEGs were further compared with the (d) KEGG database to characterize pathway enrichment, (e) the Disease Ontology (DO) gene set, and (f) the Disease Gene Network (DisGeNET) database. For the purpose of visualization, the top ten categories of enriched terms were included for each gene set. A value less than 0.05 determined significance. DEGs: differentially expressed genes; RT-EVCTs: rosiglitazone-treated extravillous cytotrophoblasts; RT-VCTs: rosiglitazone-treated cytotrophoblasts; GO: gene ontology; KEGG: Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes.