Research Article

Fenofibrate Exerts Antitumor Effects in Colon Cancer via Regulation of DNMT1 and CDKN2A

Figure 1

Bioinformatics analysis of PPARA in pancancer: (a) the box plot showing the expression levels of PPARs, DNMT1, PRMT6, ACOX1, and CDKN2A in tumorous tissues; (b) the forest graph showing the hazard ratio of PPARs, ACOX1, CDKN2A, methylation transferase DNMT1, DNMT3a, and PRMT6 in various cancers; (c) box plots of PPARA expression detected in RNA-seq in colon cancer specimens grouped into stage and stage ; (d) survival curve of patients with different PPARA protein expression levels in colon cancer (); (e) the relative mRNA expression of PPARA, ACOX1, and methylation transferases was measured using qRT-PCR in SW480, HCT116, Caco-2, HIEC, and NCM460 cell lines. The data is expressed as (, , ).