Research Article

α-Bisabolol Mitigates Colon Inflammation by Stimulating Colon PPAR-γ Transcription Factor: In Vivo and In Vitro Study

Figure 1

The docked pose of bisabolol and lobeglitazone and the interactions at the binding site of PPAR-γ and molecular dynamics studies. The docked pose of α-bisabolol and lobeglitazone and the interactions at the binding site of PPAR-γ and molecular dynamics studies. (a) Docked and cocrystallized poses of lobeglitazone are shown in blue and red stick representations, respectively. Insert picture indicates the interactions of lobeglitazone and the interactions of α-bisabolol at the binding site of PPAR-γ. (b) RMSD in protein backbone atoms, (c) RMSD in α-bisabolol atoms, (d) RMSF in PPAR-γ residues, and (e) hydrogen bond analysis for α-bisabolol (black lines represent hydrogen bonds, and red lines represent hydrogen bond pairs within 0.35 nm region).