Review Article

Vitamin A: A Key Inhibitor of Adipocyte Differentiation

Figure 1

RA-mediated regulation of adipocyte biology. RA regulates adipose tissue biology via two distinct pathways. (a) In preadipocytes, RA activates CRABP-II and RAR to inhibit adipocyte differentiation and upregulates PREF-1, SMAD3, and KLF2, inhibiting C/EBPs and PPARγ expression, and adipocyte differentiation. (b) In mature adipocytes, RA-induced activation of the PPARγ/RXR heterodimer inhibits the expression of HOXA5 and audiogenic genes and activates the CRABP-II/RAR and FABP5/PPARβ/γ pathways to promote lipid oxidation and energy utilisation.