Research Article

Patient Violence towards Mental Health Nurses: A Concept Analysis

Table 3

Themes derived in the fieldwork phase.

CategoryTheme clusterTheme

Types of violenceEmotional violenceBullying (e.g., spreading rumours, constantly reminding of patients’ presence, or demanding apologies repeatedly)
Physical violencePhysical assaults (e.g., slapping the cheek, scratching, or pinching)
Physical threats (e.g., throwing something towards the nurse)
Sexual harassmentPhysically touching with sexual intention
Verbal insults with sexual intention
Verbal violenceInsults about nurses’ appearance
Swearing at nurses
Verbal threats

AntecedentsPredictable factorsInternal factors
External factors
Situational factors
Unpredictable factorsHard to grasp the reason
Occurred suddenly

ConsequencesPhysical injuriesPhysical injuries
Psychological responseEmotional distress
Maintaining physical/psychological safe distances from violent patients
Psychological trauma
Sceptical attitude to their jobs
Seeking supportDisappointed with lousy support from their institution
Seeking emotional support from colleagues

AttributesCommon and frequentCommon phenomenon
Frequently occurred
Hiding incidentsFear of blame from colleagues
Feeling helplessness
Considered their injuries as trivial
Vulnerability of nurses to violenceAccepted patient violence as natural
Blaming the victim
Responsibility to their patients and profession