Research Article

Mood, Disability, and Quality of Life among a Subgroup of Rheumatoid Arthritis Individuals with Experiential Avoidance and Anxiety Sensitivity

Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics of study population and participants aggregated into the three cluster subgroups.

Combined sampleCluster 1Cluster 2Cluster 3 (among clusters)

Mean age (SD)57.8 (14.8)55.1 (13.0)58.6 (16.2)60.1 (14.5)0.11
Sex (M%)24.320.828.423.40.52
Relationship status (%)
 Married or in a serious relationship75.377.381.365.6
 Divorced, separated, or widowed14.613.311.320.3
Current employment (%)
Pain duration (%)14.3 (10.8)14.6 (10.5)15.9 (12.7)11.7 (7.7)0.08
Average pain intensity (SD)3.8 (2.2)3.3 (2.4)4.0 (2.1)4.1 (2.1)0.77
AAQ32.2 (7.1)24.5 (3.8)35.4 (3.6)37.5 (5.2)<0.0001
ASI15.0 (10.3)8.6 (5.8)11.2 (4.8)27.8 (8.2)<0.0001

SD: standard deviation; AAQ: Acceptance and Action Questionnaire; ASI: Anxiety Sensitivity Index.