Research Article

Single-Needle Arthrocentesis with Upper Compartment Distension versus Conventional Two-Needle Arthrocentesis: Randomized Clinical Trial

Table 2

Comparison of visual analog scale (VAS) scores (0–10) according to the follow-up time between groups 1N and 2N.

TimesGroup 1N
Means (±SD)
Group 2N
Means (±SD)

T16.69 (±1.60)6.61 (±1.70)0.821
T21.15 (±1.86)1.15 (±1.77)0.796
T30.92 (±1.44)0.69 (±1.54)0.863
T40.84 (±1.90)0.61 (±1.70)0.797
T50.61 (±1.55)0.53 (±1.33)0.745
T60.46 (±1.19)0.38 (±1.12)0.711
T70.46 (±1.19)0.38 (±1.12)0.711
T80.46 (±1.19)0.38 (±1.12)0.711

T1: before the arthrocentesis procedures; T2: seven days after the arthrocentesis procedures; T3: fifteen days after the arthrocentesis procedures; T4: one month after the arthrocentesis procedures; T5: three months after the arthrocentesis procedures; T6: six months after the arthrocentesis procedures; T7: nine months after the arthrocentesis procedures; T8: and one year after the arthrocentesis procedures. SD: standard deviation.