Clinical Study

Effect of Ice Bag Application to Femoral Region on Pain in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

Table 1

Applications to the patients in the experimental and control groups.

Experimental groupControl group

Before the catheter removal(i) The patients were informed both verbally and in writing
(ii) Their written informed consent was obtained
(iii) The patient identification form was completed
(iv) Cold application was performed for 20 minutes by placing an ice bag over the entry site of femoral catheter
(v) NRS1 was evaluated
(vi) The patient’s vital signs were measured and recorded
(i) The patients were informed both verbally and in writing
(ii) Their written informed consent was obtained
(iii) The patient identification form was completed
(iv) NRS1 was evaluated
(v) The patient’s vital signs were measured and recorded

During the catheter removal(i) NRS2 was evaluated
(ii) Behavioural responses given by the patient during the removal of catheter were observed and recorded
(i) NRS2 was evaluated
(ii) Behavioral responses given by the patient during the removal of catheter were observed and recorded

After the catheter removal(i) NRS3 was evaluated
(ii) The patient’s vital signs were measured and recorded
(iii) The pressure time was recorded
(iv) The patient’s catheter zone was examined for complications
(i) NRS3 was evaluated
(ii) The patient’s vital signs were measured and recorded
(iii) The pressure time was recorded
(iv) The patient’s catheter zone was examined for complications