Review Article

Association of Depression/Anxiety Symptoms with Neck Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Literature in China

Table 1

Summary of studies included in the meta-analyses on anxiety and depression in NP.

StudySample sizesDesignGroup comparisonMean ageNP diagnosticsPsychiatric diagnostics

He et al. [19]58 vs. 1 388Case-controlNP vs. Np49.5Self-ratingSCL-90/STAI
Wang et al. [20]52 vs. 1 338Case-controlNP vs. Np48.25 ± 13.36Self-ratingSCL-90
Lou et al. [21]60 vs. 56Case-controlNP vs. HC54.31 ± 8.18Self-ratingSCL-90
Chen et al. [22]106 vs. 76Case-controlNP vs. HC51 ± 8 vs. 48 ± 7Chinese acknowledged diagnostic criteriaSDS
Fang et al. [23]89 vs. 60Case-controlNP vs. HC49.3 vs. 47.6Self-ratingSCL-90
Yao et al. [24]122 vs. 122Case-controlNP vs. HC58.86 ± 8.28 vs. 59.36 ± 7.04Self-ratingSCL-290/SDS/SAS
Zhang et al. [25]30 vs. 1 338Case-controlNP vs. Np52Chinese acknowledged diagnostic criteriaSCL-90
Wei et al. [26]217 vs. 1 338Case-controlNP vs. Np38.00 ± 5.67Self-ratingSCL-90
Huang et al. [27]38 vs. 1 340Case-controlNP vs. Np/Self-ratingSDS/SAS
Wen and Liu [28]336 vs. 1 340Case-controlNP vs. Np/Self-ratingSDS
Wang et al. [29]105 vs. 198Prospective cohortNP vs. HC/Chinese acknowledged diagnostic criteriaSelf-rating
Chen et al. [7]1 026 vs. 1 338Case-controlNP vs. Np/Self-ratingSCL-90
Sun et al. [30]100 vs. 100Case-controlNP vs. HC45.98 ± 8.54 vs. 45.86 ± 8.43Chinese acknowledged diagnostic criteriaGAD-7/PHQ-9

NP, neck pain; HC, healthy controls; Np, normal population; SCL, symptom check list; STAI, state-trait anxiety inventory; SDS, self-rating depression scale; SAS, self-rating anxiety scale; GAD-7, generalized anxiety disorder-7; and PHQ-9, patient health questionnaire-9.