Research Article

The Impact of Chronic Discogenic Low Back Pain: Costs and Patients’ Burden

Table 4

Societal costs per patient in euros divided by cost type (results of the friction cost and human capital cost approach).

Cost type friction costs approachNeMean^ costs per resource user (CI)Mean^ cost per patient (CI)Cum. %

Informal caregiving37255.68 (143–368)118.25 (60–177)3
Absence work; friction costs2015,113 (11090–19135)3,778.32 (2038–5518)100
Societal cost per patient: Friction3,896.57 (2157–5636)
Cost type human capital approach
Informal caregiving37255.68 (143–368)118.25 (60–177)0.8
Absence work; human capital3138,212 (28520–47903)14,806,95 (9283–20330)100
Disability wages1146,720 (39447–53994)6,424.03 (2720–10128)
Societal cost per patient: human capital14,925.20 (9389–20460)

eNumber of patients per event/service; ^bootstrapped mean; mean costs per patient = costs for all patients including cost per patients without event/service (0€); CI = 95% confidence interval for mean: lower bound-upper bound.