Review Article

Ultrasound-Guided Intervention for Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia: An Updated Review of Anatomy and Techniques

Table 1

Summary of the anatomy and guided injection techniques of the trigeminal nerve and its branches.

NerveBony landmarkSensory innervation of the nerveAccompanying vesselAdjacent muscleTransducer selectionTransducer placementNeedle trajectoryUltrasound-guided technique

Supraorbital nerveSupraorbital notch at the medial one-third of the supraorbital margin about 2 to 3 cm lateral to the midlineUpper eyelid, forehead, and the anterior half of the scalpSupraorbital artery and veinCorrugator supercilii muscleLinear transducerMedial one-third of the supraorbital marginFrom lateral to medialIn-plane
Infraorbital nerveInfraorbital foramen 1 cm below the midpoint of the infraorbital marginLower eyelid, half side of the nose, and the upper lipInfraorbital artery and veinLevator labii superioris muscleLinear transducerBody of the maxilla parallel to and 1 cm below the infraorbital marginFrom lateral to medialIn-plane
Mental nerveMental foramen 3 cm lateral to the midline and 1 cm above the lower border of the mandibleSkin of the chin and lower lip and mucosa of the lower lipMental artery and veinDepressor labii inferioris muscleLinear transducer3 cm lateral to the midline and 1 cm above and parallel to the lower border of the mandibleFrom lateral to medialIn-plane
Auriculotemporal nervePosterior zygomatic arch in front of the tragusAnterior ear and the posterior part of the skin over the temporalis muscleSuperficial temporal arteryTemporalis muscleLinear transducerParallel to the posterior part of the zygomatic arch just above the level of the tragusFrom posterior to anteriorIn-plane
Maxillary nervePterygopalatine fossa anterior and medial to the lateral pterygoid plateLower eyelid, cheek, nose, upper lip, upper teeth and gums, roof of the pharynx, the sphenoid and ethmoid sinuses and meningesSphenopalatine arteryLateral pterygoid muscleCurvilinear transducerDistal and parallel to the zygomatic arch to bridge the coronoid and the condylar processesFrom posterior to anteriorOut-of-plane
Mandibular nervePosterior to the lateral pterygoid plateAnterior two-thirds of the tongue, teeth, and mucosa and periosteum of the mandible, skin of the chin and the lower lip, and the skin over the mandibleMiddle meningeal arteryLateral and medial pterygoid musclesCurvilinear transducerDistal and parallel to the zygomatic arch to bridge the coronoid and the condylar processesFrom anterior to posteriorOut-of-plane