Research Article

Comparison of the Effect of Tanacethum Parthenium, 5-Hydroxy Tryptophan, and Magnesium (Aurastop) versus Magnesium Alone on Aura Phenomenon and Its Evolution

Table 1

Baseline demographic characteristics and pretreatment/posttreatment features of the 150 aura episodes detected in the study cohort.

Pretreatment migraine aura n (%)Posttreatment migraine aura n (%)p-value

Sex, F23 (46)
Age, years, mean ± SD31 ± 12
Family history of any migraine35 (70)
Family history of migraine with aura5 (10)
Aura characteristics
 Visual150 (100)150 (100)ns
 Sensory35 (23.3)25 (16.6)0.002
 Complex2 (1.3)1 (0.0)ns
 Duration, minutes, mean ± SD46.1 ± 16.3
Migraine age of onset, years, mean ± SD18 ± 2
Migraine without aura34 (68)

Variables were compared by McNemar’s χ2 analysis.