Research Article

Impact of the Timing of Rocuronium Injection after Propofol Administration on Temporal Summation of Pain in Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery: A Prospective and Controlled Study

Table 4

The correlations between propofol injection pain, the grade of rocuronium-induced withdrawal movement, and pain outcomes.

VAS score for pain at 1 h after surgeryVAS score for pain at 24 h after surgeryVAS score for pain at 48 h after surgeryTotal opioid consumption for 48 h after surgery

The incidence of propofol injection painr = −0.23r = −0.23r = −0.09r = −0.23

VAS for propofol injection painr = −0.18r = −0.17r = −0.053r = −0.18

The grade of rocuronium-induced withdrawal movementr = 0.41r = 0.40r = 0.34r = 0.46

VAS: visual analog scale.