Research Article

Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders and Associated Factors Among Bankers in Ethiopia, 2018

Table 4

Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis of associated factors with WMSDs among bankers working in Mekelle city, Tigray, Ethiopia, May 2018 (n = 307).

NoYesCorollary (95% CI)P-valueAOR (95% CI)P-value

Age group
20–2968 (33.8%)133 (66.2%)11
30–3931 (34.1%)60 (65.9%)2.282 (0.738–7.056)0.1525.552 (1.465–21.039)0.012
40 and above7 (53.8%)6 (46.2%)2.258 (0.698–7.301)0.1745.719 (1.422–22.994)0.014

Educational level
Diploma7 (23.3%)23 (76.7%)2.3 (0.775–6.823)0.1334.256 (1.139–15.895)0.031
Bachelor’s degree85 (35%)158 (65%)1.301 (0.626–2.706).4812.023 (0.804–5.089)0.134
Master’s degree14 (41.2%)20 (58.8%)1111

Working experience
<591 (42.1%)125 (57.9%)1111
5 and above15 (16.5%)76 (83.5%)3.689 (1.992–6.830)<0.0013.892 (1.841–8.231)<0.001

Underweight16 (53.3%)14 (46.7%)11
Normal82 (33.5%)163 (66.5%)0.292 (0.100–.854).025
Overweight8 (25.0%)24 (75.0%)0.663 (0.285–1.539).339

Physical exercise
No78 (29.8%)184 (70.2%)3.885 (2.012–7.504<0.0012.866 (1.303–6.304)0.009
Yes28 (62.2%)17 (37.8%)111

Job stress
No86 (45.3%)104 (54.7%)11
Yes20 (17.1%)97 (82.9%)4.011 (2.292–7.019)<0.0014.723 (2.421–9.213)<0.001

Job satisfaction
No42 (29.8)99 (70.2)1.479 (0.918–2.384)0.108
Yes64 (38.6)102 (61.4)11

Bad74 (30.8%)166 (69.2%)2.051 (1.181–3.562)0.0112.692 (1.339–5.411)0.005
Good32 (47.8%)35 (52.2%)11

Break during working hours
No78 (29.3%)188 (70.7%)5.191 (2.555–10.546)<0.0015.170 (2.070–12.912)<0.001
Yes28 (68.3%)13 (31.7%)1111

Ergonomic training
No90 (31.7%)194 (68.3%)4.927 (1.958–12.397)0.0013.801 (1.260–11.472)0.018
Yes16 (69.6%)7 (30.4%)11