Research Article

Cross Cultural Adaptation and Validation of Italian Version of the Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Symptoms and Signs Scale and Pain DETECT Questionnaire for the Distinction between Nociceptive and Neuropathic Pain

Table 1

Baseline demographic data according to pain reference diagnosis.

NoP group (N = 50)NeP group (N = 50)

Gender, N (%)
 Women30 (60%)35 (70%)
 Men20 (40%)15 (30%)
Age (years–mean ± SD)60 ± 650 ± 19
Weight (Kg–mean ± SD)78 ± 1570 ± 9
Height (cm–mean ± SD)168 ± 8165 ± 12
BMI (Kg/m2–mean ± SD)28 ± 726 ± 3
Education level, N (%)
 Primary24 (48%)20 (40%)
 High16 (32%)18 (36%)
 University10 (20%)12 (24%)

Descriptive data for continuous variables are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD); discrete variables are expressed as numbers (N) and percentages (%). NoP: nociceptive pain; NeP: neuropathic pain; BMI: body mass index.