Research Article

Factors Influencing Job Burnout and Musculoskeletal Disorders among Coal Miners in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

Table 2

Comparison of job burnout grades with different demographic characteristics.

VariableGroupsBurnout level (n, %)Z/Hc
Zero burnoutMild burnoutModerate burnoutSevere burnout

GenderMale122 (10.0)465 (38.1)550 (45.1)83 (6.8)−3.4740.001
Female10 (9.5)62 (59.0)30 (28.6)3 (2.9)

EthnicityHan Chinese125 (10.4)467 (38.9)525 (43.8)82 (6.8)−0.5200.603
Minorities7 (5.6)60 (47.6)55 (43.7)4 (3.2)

Age (years)18∼3019 (11.1)65 (38.0)82 (48.0)5 (2.9)1.8750.599
30∼3923 (9.1)101 (39.8)117 (46.1)13 (5.1)
40∼4970 (11.5)246 (40.4)239 (39.2)54 (8.9)
50∼6020 (6.9)115 (39.5)142 (48.8)14 (4.8)

Length of service (years)1∼1052 (10.6)195 (39.8)219 (44.7)24 (4.9)5.8210.054
11∼2038 (13.7)108 (39.0)116 (41.9)15 (5.4)
≥2142 (7.5)224 (40.1)245 (43.9)47 (8.4)

EducationJunior high school and below52 (9.0)226 (38.9)262 (45.1)41 (7.1)3.7890.150
High school39 (9.3)170 (40.7)179 (42.8)30 (7.2)
Bachelor and college degree and above41 (12.6)131 (40.2)139 (42.6)15 (4.6)

Type of workCoal miners23 (8.9)85 (32.9)132 (51.2)18 (7.0)6.3640.174
Excavate miners36 (11.4)123 (38.9)137 (43.4)20 (6.3)
Transport miners5 (9.3)21 (38.9)27 (50.0)1 (1.9)
Special miners38 (10.7)146 (41.0)156 (43.8)16 (4.5)
Assist miners30 (8.8)152 (44.6)128 (37.5)31 (9.1)

Shift systemDay shift56 (11.4)205 (41.8)199 (40.6)30 (6.1)24.095<0.001
Two shifts9 (4.8)52 (27.8)111 (59.4)15 (8.0)
More than two shifts67 (10.3)270 (41.7)270 (41.7)41 (6.3)

Marital statusSingle12 (9.5)52 (41.3)57 (45.2)5 (4.0)0.5150.773
Married105 (9.8)421 (39.5)468 (43.9)72 (6.8)
Divorced/separated15 (11.3)54 (40.6)55 (41.4)9 (6.8)

Annual income (yuan)15000∼70000117 (10.3)455 (40.1)485 (42.7)79 (7.0)0.6800.712
70000∼10000014 (8.6)62 (38.0)80 (49.1)7 (4.3)
100000 more than1 (3.8)10 (38.5)15 (57.7)0